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Auto-Registro para Alumnos

Si tu maestro/a ya te ha dado un User ID, no vuelvas a registrarte. Haz clic aquí para iniciar sesión.
Selecciona el título en el que tu maestro/a quiere que te registres. Después, ingresa la Class ID que te proporcionó tu maestro. Después, ingresa tu nombre, tu apellido y selecciona a cuál clase vas a unirte. Finalmente, haz clic en “Create User” y te daremos tu información para que inicies sesión.

× Voces Digital
Our privacy policy has recently changed. By continuing to log into Voces you are providing consent to these changes. Click here to review.
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LMS Log In
Our Privacy Policy was last updated on 04/11/2024. Click here to review.
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Welcome to Voces! Since this is your first time here, we need to finish setting up your account. It should just take a minute and then we will never bug you with this again.

It looks like this is your first time logging in with your LMS. We just need your login information this one time so we can make sure everything is linked.
This should only be completed by teachers. If you are a student do not complete this form.

Enter your email address and we will send you your Class ID and User ID.

You will have to ask your teacher to look up your User ID for you. If it is after school and you need access, send an email with your name, teacher's name, and the Voces title you are using to [email protected] and we will try to help.